Video description
Kate Grimshaw qualified as a dietitian in the UK in 1989 after completing a Post Graduate Diploma in Human Nutrition and Dietetics (Her first degree was in Human Biology). She has since worked in a number of clinical dietetic posts. In 1995 she completed her MSc in Human Nutrition and in 2003 gained a post-graduate diploma in Allergy. In 2012 she completed her PhD looking at infant feeding practices in the first year of life and the development of food allergy.
Many aspects of food allergy and nutrition are of interest to her including aetiology, diagnosis and treatment of food allergy and also the nutritional adequacy of exclusion diets in children and adults. The importance of the whole diet and its influence on the gut microbiome and immune system are of particular interest following on from her PhD findings.
In September 2018 she moved to work at Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust as dietetic manager but she continues to work clinically within the food allergy field and provides dietetic support to adult patients with both IgE and Non-IgE mediated food allergy at Salford.
As well as her research, clinical and management roles, Kate lectures on the Food Allergy Module of the MSc in Allergy at the University of Southampton and also to a number of University Dietetic Training programs. She is also research member of the Food Allergy Specialist Group of the British Dietetic Association.
Find out more about Simplink(R) - a unique direct to gastrostomy bolus feeding method - Compleat® paediatric SimpLink® | Nestlé Health Science
Links to further reading
- Learn more about the real-world evidence for tube feed with food-derived ingredients here: Real World Evidence Infographic | N+ Hub
- Read Compleat® paediatric case studies
- Learn more about Compleat paediatric: Compleat® paediatric for professionals | Nestlé Health Science