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This webinar was first shown on Wednesday 27th March 2024.
Join us for an exclusive insight into the world of Blended Diet Networks!
Charlotte Cole, highly specialised Adult Specialist Neurology Dietitian and speaker at the recent Blended Diet Network Event, shares her expert views on Blended Diets in adult care and the evolving landscape of dietetic practice in this field.
Hazel Duncan, Specialist Paediatric Dietitian, sheds light on the critical role of staying informed about evolving dietetic practices and the power of networking within the field to enhance care for tube-fed patients.
Kate Grimshaw, Specialist Allergy Dietitian, discusses the shifting perspective on blended diets and forecasts their expanded usage as paediatric patients transition into adulthood.
To watch the talks from the Blended Diet Network Event in full, please visit the Blended Diet Network Annual Event 2023 page.